Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Book Report

Book Report
            I am doing a report on two books; the books are from the same author and are both about the same time periods. The first book is called “The Early Middle Ages” and the second is “The Late Middle Ages” Both by James A. Corrick. The books are basically timelines from the middle ages.
            These Books are very interesting I learned a lot about the Middle Ages that I never knew. There is a lot of stuff about the fall of the Roman Empire and how it was over taken by the barbarians in the early middle ages. One interesting thing is that there is actually more than one kind of barbarians. I thought that all of the barbarians were Vikings from other parts of the country. According to the books a barbarian to the Romans was anyone who didn’t speak their language and believe in there customs. Most of the barbarians came from Germany and started to slowly move into the areas the Roman Empire. The book talks about how there are different tribes of barbarians such as the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Franks and the Huns. Not all of the barbarians came from Germany bust most of them did. I thought the book got very interesting when it was talking about how the Visigoths defeated the Romans at Adrianople. In the book it explains that the Visigoths are trying to invade the eastern Roman Empire. The Romans march out about 8 miles from Adrianople to meet the Visigoths in battle. As the war goes on the Romans start getting beat by the barbarian Visigoths. Once the battle is over the Romans only have one third of their army left. The Visigoths had come out on top and won the battle at Adrianople. This is a big deal because this makes the barbarians realize that they have the power to defeat the Romans. Because of this win the Visigoths started going through the roman land and setting up there kingdoms all over what used to be roman territory. As the book goes on the barbarians defeat the Romans but it doesn’t last long because someone else eventually comes along and defeats the Visigoths. This book is full of stories about the Roman Empire and the barbarians. It is a very good resource for anyone who is trying to write a paper or do some type of assignment on the middle ages. Not only is it full of war stories it is full of information on the everyday lives of the barbarians and Romans. It talks about how they live and what they did during the Middle Ages it is all very interesting. Another thing I thought was kind of cool is that barbarians live unlike the other people. A barbarian warrior is usually known by what his family did before him. And if that warrior is caught doing gardening or building house or planting crops he could possibly lose his title as a warrior. The books are full of information on how the middle ages changed throughout time. When the middle ages started the Roman Empire was one of the main things people knew about. By the end of the middle ages the Roman Empire was conquered and not as glorious as it once was.
            I believe that this book helped me a lot in this assignment and anyone doing an assignment on anything during the Middle Ages should use these books. Even if someone isn’t doing an assignment these books are very interesting to read. They are fun to read and every time you read them you learn something new. These books definitely help with assignments because they lay out everything that happened in order and they tell you exactly what you need to know about the events in the middle ages. These books helped me in my assignment and they will help anyone else with what they need to use them for.  

Work Cited Post

Corrick, A. James. The Early Middle Ages. San Diego: Lucent Book, Inc, 1995. print.

Corrick, A. James. The Late Middle Ages. San Diego: Lucent Book, Inc, 1995. print.

"The Battle of Adrianople (Hadrianopolis)." n.p. n.d. web.
              13 Dec. 2011

"The Black Death: Bubonic Plague." n.p. n.d. web. 13 Dec. 2011.

"Medieval Education." n.p. n.d. web. 13 Dec. 2011

"Entertainment in the Middle Ages." n.p. n.d. web. 13 Dec.

"Religion in the Middle Ages." n.p. n.d. web. 13 Dec. 2011

Middle Ages Religion

During the Middle Ages the only religion in Europe was the catholic religion. Almost everyone was into religion the churches were very powerful in Europe. The churchs were so powerful that they had there own laws and taxes. There were other religions that they knew about but anyone in Europe that did not beleive in the catholic religion was an outsider. In 1290 the jews were not allowed in England they had been banned from there because they did not treat people of other religions very well. If you had a problem with the catholic church or did not beleive in the religion you were treated with very little respect. The preist could force anyone to go to church if he wanted to. If you refused to go to church then the pope could punish you in the church court. Only some men could become a preist. If you were physically challenged or impaired you cannot become a preist also if you are a women then you are not allowed to become a preist. If a man did become a priest then he could not ever be married because he has been forbidden to marry anyone.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Middle Ages Entertainment

During the middle ages what people did for entertainment is pretty different than what most people do today. During the middle ages they had church festivals and other things all the time. No matter if you were rich or poor you could attend almost anything. Then they listened to poets and watch people dance. Sometimes they would have animals in shows to watch. Some of the things they did during the middle ages we might not think is appropriate today. During holidays most of the people sang and danced to put on a show for people. One of the events alot of people attended was the medieval tournament. The church didnt like this festival because they thought that to many people got hurt during this event. In the medieval tournament they had knights face off with swords and in other types of combat. The tournament was meant to train knights for battle if a knight lost he would have to give something like a horse or his armor. As the tournaments got more popular they added more contest into it like jousting and archery competitions.

Education in The Middle Ages

During the middle ages the church tought the boys there education. A French ruler named Charlemagne was one of the main reasons why boys got an education. He had realized that with out education his empire would never survive. During the middle ages only the boys were able to receive an education unless you were the daughter of a rich family. All the knights of the middle ages knew how to read and write and if you didnt people didnt think as highly of you. The boys were tought grammar, rhetoric, logic, latin, astronomy, philosophy and mathematics. During this time that is what seemed most important for the young boys to learn. once the boys hit the ages of 14 and 15 they would go to a university to continue learning more. The only time education was stopped was during an invasion or a war. Some of the things that students due today are because of what they kids did at the universities then. The reason that college graduates wear those caps and gowns on there graduation day is because the students in the middle ages also wore certain gowns and caps on there graduations.

Bubonic Plague

The Bubonic Plaugue is a disease that broke out in the 1330s. This plague is also known as the black death and spread through out Euope during the Middle ages. The plague started in China and had a major effect on Europe. The disease was carried mostly by rats, birds and fleas the disease was then transmitted to humans by fleas. The plague eventually killed 25 million people in only 5 years. During the time of plague in the middle ages they had no medicine to treat the sick people. Europe ended up losing a total of one third of there population to the plague. Since the plague had wiped out so many people there was a shortage of workers every where in Europe. This caused the workers salary to be increased and the did not like that at all. The plague died down eventually and there were small outbreaks in some places of Europe for a few centuries. The plague came to an end during the 1600s but no one in Europe forgot about it.

Barbarians Victory at Adrianople

In A.D. 378 August 9th The Visigoths won the battle against an eastern Roman army. A Roman soldier named Ammianus Marcellinus who fought at Adrianople described what happened during the battle. The Roman soldiers marched for eight miles to fight the Visigoths. During the battle the Romans left wing attacked the Barbarians the wing was seperated from the rest of the Roman army and was defeated. The Romans infantry was not able to fight off the Visigoth Barbarians and they were defeated at Adrianople. Only one third of the Roman army was able to escape the Visigoths. Because of the victory at Adrianople the Visigoths realized that the Roman Empire was weakening. The visigoths saw that the Romans couldn't keep there lands safe from the Visigoths. Soon the Visigoths starting founding there kingdoms through out The Early Middle Ages.