Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Middle Ages Entertainment

During the middle ages what people did for entertainment is pretty different than what most people do today. During the middle ages they had church festivals and other things all the time. No matter if you were rich or poor you could attend almost anything. Then they listened to poets and watch people dance. Sometimes they would have animals in shows to watch. Some of the things they did during the middle ages we might not think is appropriate today. During holidays most of the people sang and danced to put on a show for people. One of the events alot of people attended was the medieval tournament. The church didnt like this festival because they thought that to many people got hurt during this event. In the medieval tournament they had knights face off with swords and in other types of combat. The tournament was meant to train knights for battle if a knight lost he would have to give something like a horse or his armor. As the tournaments got more popular they added more contest into it like jousting and archery competitions.

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