Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Bubonic Plague

The Bubonic Plaugue is a disease that broke out in the 1330s. This plague is also known as the black death and spread through out Euope during the Middle ages. The plague started in China and had a major effect on Europe. The disease was carried mostly by rats, birds and fleas the disease was then transmitted to humans by fleas. The plague eventually killed 25 million people in only 5 years. During the time of plague in the middle ages they had no medicine to treat the sick people. Europe ended up losing a total of one third of there population to the plague. Since the plague had wiped out so many people there was a shortage of workers every where in Europe. This caused the workers salary to be increased and the did not like that at all. The plague died down eventually and there were small outbreaks in some places of Europe for a few centuries. The plague came to an end during the 1600s but no one in Europe forgot about it.

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